Elizabeth Ellis, CPCC, coach & business mentor

You and I are here to make a difference. Your work changes lives…

Too many gifted and skilled coaches, entrepreneurs, and leaders have a valuable message to share with the world, but they get stuck, or lost and never really get their businesses off the ground.

I’m here to change that.

Would you like to connect and learn more?

I create a unique partnership with each person I work with, providing customized high-value, high impact coaching and mentoring designed to help you to create more impact and the income you need to do your best work.

Click here to receive a complimentary consultation.

My professional background

My professional training includes co-active coach training and certification with CTIThe Coaches Training Institute where I received my CPCC certification in 2001, followed by ORSC, Relationship Systems Coaching in 2003. I also have also received my PCC certification through the ICF, International Coach Federation. To date I have logged over 18,000 coaching hours. As an insatiable learner I have also studied many other models and methodologies in coaching as well as in marketing, story brand, and business building strategy and draw on a variety of experiences.

I have extensive transformational leadership training and experience through through Landmark Education Corporation since 1991 in a variety of capacities including The Curriculum For Living, The Seminar Series, Wisdom Course (participant & coach), Communication Courses, Introduction to the Forum Leader Program Training & Coaching and Leading, Coaching Self Expression & Leadership Program, The Wisdom Course, Communication Courses, Seminars Series, and in the mid 90’s I had the privilege of joining the staff. That experience was the tipping point for me to create my own business coaching and mentoring coaches visionary leaders, entrepreneurs.

Prior to creating my coaching and mentoring business, I earned my BFA degree in Fine Arts in 1985 and worked as a Production Designer and Set Decorator in Film and a Designer and Stylist in TV and Photo advertising for 15 years. I studied Art and Design in the US, Canada, and Italy. Art, design, and creative collaboration is still an important aspect of my life and work.

Would you like to connect and find out how I can help you?

Click here to apply to receive a 60-minute complimentary consultation now.

– Elizabeth Ellis, CPCC, PCC

Coaching & Mentoring for Evolving Coaches,
Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs & Leaders